About Us

Unisol Informatics, our mission is building a better working world.

The insights and quality services we provide help build trust and confidence within our customers, our people , society and the industry as whole.

Who are we ?

With 35years of experience in helping businesses grow, we’ve mastered the skills of understanding business requirements irrespective of the industry they serve.

Our clients vary from tiny start-ups to larger corporations who wish to take their business higher. We’ve helped entrepreneurs set up a business, build productive teams and make the most of the available resources.

Customer Focused

We are extremely customer focused and actively listen to our customers and give them the best solutions to their problems

Respect For Individuals

We have very high respect for talent and individuals who are part of our company. We believe in going the extra mile in nurturing talented people by giving them the right opportunities, guidance and support.

At UniSol Informatics , our purpose is Building a better working world. We deliver outstanding solutions to all our stakeholders. To, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. In a world that’s changing faster than ever, our purpose is to provide the context and meaning for the work we do every day. We help digital pioneers fight data piracy; guide governments to improvise their efficiency and productivity using latest state of art software solutions; unlock new medical treatments with data analytics ,Ease the existing Legacy by migrating to Cloud.

In other words, help companies, and individuals to solve their most pressing challenges. With, through our integrated services which cater to modern cloud computing technologies.

We believe a better working world is one where economic growth  is sustainable and inclusive, thus empowering the companies to use technologies that fit their requirements and meet the financial goals too .

We work continuously to improve the quality all of our services, investing in our people and innovation.

And… We’re proud to work with others – from our clients to wider stakeholders ,to partners , to vendors– to use our knowledge, skills and experience to help fulfill our purpose and create positive change.

  • People who demonstrate integrity, respect, teaming and inclusiveness
  • People with energy, enthusiasm and the courage to lead
  • People who build relationships based on doing the right thing
  • People who strive to deliver quality and within the time expected

Building a better working world — is the foundation of our culture.
At Unisol Informatics, we empower our people with the right mindsets and skills to ensure customers satisfaction.
The ability to invite, leverage and learn from different perspectives, the key to successful deliveries to our clients…. 

We believe diversity and inclusiveness means growth..

We are investing more time, technology, money, skills and learning for our company, which helps our people develop future-focused skills in areas such as technology, sustainability and leadership.

Our Profile

Namita Vivrekar

Founder Unisol Infomatics
Consulting : Business Process Re-engineering , IT Strategy


Visionary executive leader for organizations upward of $100 million in diverse industries and market segments. Extraordinary cross-functional management background ,employee and customer satisfaction  on service levels with every Company /Customer for past 25+ years.

Sanjeev Vivrekar

Co-Founder Unisol Infomatics
Consulting : IT Strategy , Business Development


Visionary executive leader for organizations upward of $500 million Financial Markets and IT segments, Transformed Dormant organization into a profit-making successfully running organization. Expertise in devising Business Strategies to Deliver the best to the Customers. Lead marketing teams. Excellent network with the top institutional heads. Acquisitions of  reputed institutional clients across the country. Established a client base of 200+ esteemed clients across various sectors viz. Regulatory Bodies, Housing Finance Companies, Insurance Companies, Banks, High Courts, Government Bodies, Government Organizations, MNCs & Private Sector Clients.